This newsletter edition, found here, features a tribute from the OTF team about the incredible Jerry Lund, who died unexpectedly on February 23, 2025. Jerry was a dedicated member of the Opioid Task Force from the beginning. His influence was vast and his loss will be deeply felt in our community for a very long time. This issue also features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
February 28, 2025 OTF Co-Chair Message (Issue 2)
This month’s message from the Opioid Task Force Co-Chairs, found here, features reflections from the OTF Co-Chairs about the importance of staying the course in this complex political environment.
February 28, 2025 Newsletter (Issue 4)
This newsletter edition, found here, features a column by Kristen Cuddy-Pease, Program Associate at the Opioid Task Force, on the importance of bracing new beginnings. This issue also features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
February 14, 2025 Newsletter (Issue 3)
This newsletter edition, found here, features Lori Streeter as a guest columnist in her new role as Franklin County Sheriff and incoming Co-Chair of the Opioid Task Force. This issue also features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
January 31, 2025 OTF Co-Chair Message (Issue 1)
This month’s message from the Opioid Task Force Co-Chairs, found here, features reflections from Sheriff Chris Donelan as he steps down from his position as Sheriff on January 31, 2025, after a distinguished career. Fellow Co-Chairs, Register John Merrigan and Northwestern District Attorney Dave Sullivan also contribute their thoughts.
January 24, 2025 Newsletter (Issue 2)
This newsletter edition, found here, focuses on the complex topic of human trafficking and sexual exploitation and shares available resources to address this issue as part of our continued focus on January Human Trafficking Prevention Month. This issue also features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
January 17, 2025 Human Trafficking Prevention Month
In recognition of Human Trafficking Prevention Month, please click here for Franklin County and North Quabbin resources that address the complex topic of sexual exploitation and human trafficking. For more information, please contact Karen Carmona, Program Associate, at [email protected].
January 10, 2025 Newsletter (Issue 1)
This newsletter edition, found here, offers a tribute to Sheriff Chris Donelan, a founding Opioid Task Force Co-Chair, upon his retirement on January 31, 2025. This issue also features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
December 20, 2024 Newsletter (Issue 24)
This newsletter edition, found here, discusses the needs of the unhoused in our rural region and features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.
December 6, 2024 Newsletter (Issue 23)
This newsletter edition, found here, discusses the importance of winter wellness and features other community events, resources, announcements, and trainings.