Together, we can tackle the serious problem of heroin and prescription drug addiction in Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region of Massachusetts.
You’re invited! Join us on Saturday, September 16 from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the Second Congregational Church in Greenfield for the Celebrating Multiple Pathways of Recovery event.
In conjunction with National Recovery Month, this gathering will highlight the many paths of recovery that are available in our rural region. The event will feature a moderated panel of individuals in recovery who can share their lived experiences with ample networking time before and after. Our aim is to create a friendly environment where individuals can explore and share available community resources along the treatment and recovery path.
This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with community members, peers and partners, share information about treatment and recovery resources, and most importantly, celebrate recovery!
This event is free and open to the public. Questions? [email protected]
The Celebrating the Multiple Pathways of Recovery Event Planning Committee:
Sarah Ahern, The RECOVER Project
Kelly Broadway, CSO
Rose Evans, BHN
Tess Jurgensen, OTF
Debra McLaughlin, OTF
Lisa Pineo, CSO
Peggy Vezina, OTF