Upcoming Events

Overdose Prevention & Narcan Training

Spring into action and learn how to save a life at an upcoming virtual Overdose Prevention and Narcan training facilitated by Tapestry. It will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, May 22, 2024, from 2 PM to 3 PM. You can register using the following link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkf-ysqTItGN3571ei9cRM1ueF7JV4ShCi Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do […]

2024 Opioid Settlement Funding Updates: What it Means for Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region Now

Please join us on Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 2 PM - 3 PM, as we learn more about opioid settlement funding and its implications for rural Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region. You can register for this free event here. This information session features the following presenters: Phoebe Walker, Director of Community Health, Franklin Regional […]

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Harm Reduction Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Treatment & Recovery Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Tiarra Fisher, Operations Coordinator/CONNECT at [email protected].

CAM Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Complementary & Alternative Medicines (CAM) Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Karen Carmona, Program Associate at [email protected].

Methadone Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Methadone Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator/OTF at [email protected].