Upcoming Events

Public Safety and Justice Committee Meeting

This meeting is open to the public but will be held by Zoom. Please email Dottie Arnold at dottie@opioidtaskforce.org for the details to participate.

Methadone Workgroup

This meeting is open to the public. Please email Maile Shoul at maile@opioidtaskforce.org for details on how to participate.

Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Workgroup

Please join us, via Zoom, as we work to address the complex issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in our rural region. This workgroup is co-facilitated by the Franklin […]

Methadone Workgroup

This meeting is open to the public. Please email Maile Shoul at maile@opioidtaskforce.org for details on how to participate.

CORI Sealing & Housing: Know Your Rights

Join Alyssa Golden, Staff Attorney, with Community Legal Aid to learn of one's legal rights when seeking housing when a CORI is also involved. Also, learn how one's CORI can […]