Upcoming Events

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.

CAM Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.

Methadone Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.

Overdose Prevention and Narcan Training

Learn how to save a life! Please join Tapestry and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region for this online overdose prevention training, scheduled for Friday, August 26, 2022, from […]

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.