Education and Prevention Committee Meeting
This meeting is open to the public. Please email Dottie Arnold at [email protected] for the details to participate
Together, we can tackle the serious problem of heroin and prescription drug addiction in Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region of Massachusetts.
This meeting is open to the public. Please email Dottie Arnold at [email protected] for the details to participate
This meeting is open to the public. Please email [email protected] for the details on how to participate.
Join us on Thursday, November 18, 2021, from 2 PM - 3 PM, as we learn more about an exciting initiative called RecoveryWorks featuring Dr. Estee Sharon, Founder, and Director. She will also be joined by Joseph LaFratta, Head of Mentors & Program Outreach, and Melody Lovell, Program Manager. You can register for this free […]
Please email [email protected] for the details on how to participate.
Please join Tapestry and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region on November 19, 2021, from 2 PM - 3:30 PM, for our next Virtual Narcan Training. Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do you recognize and respond to an opioid overdose? […]
Join us as we hear from the Franklin County/North Quabbin grantees about the successful work they did with funding from the Young Adult Empowerment of Western Massachusetts (YAEC)! YAEC was a three-year federally funded effort to support opioid-impacted young adults as they moved through the five stages of adulthood, which closed out on September 30, […]
This meeting is open to the public. Please email [email protected] for the details on how to participate.
This meeting is open to the public. Please email Dottie Arnold at [email protected] for the details to participate.
Please email [email protected] for the details on how to participate.
Join us on Friday, December 10, 2021, from 10 AM - 12 Noon for the Opioid Task Force's 4th Annual Sober Housing Summit, "The Ties That Bind - What is the Safety Net for Unhoused Individuals with a History of Substance Misuse?" This year's event will kick off with an esteemed panel featuring: Individuals with […]