Upcoming Events

HEALing Communities Study Meeting

Please join us for the monthly meeting of the HEALing Communities Study (HCS) effort in the Franklin County and North Quabbin Region. For more information on how to participate, please contact Tiarra Fisher, HCS Community Study Coordinator at tiarra@opioidtaskforce.org.

Healthcare Solutions Committee Meeting

Join us for the Healthcare Solutions Committee meeting. Please contact Cathi Emery, Office & Data Manager for information on how to participate at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Emergency Services for Unhoused Individuals

Please join our monthly meeting to discuss the emergency needs of unhoused individuals in the Franklin County and North Quabbin Region. To learn more about how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office, and Data Manager, at Cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Virtual Overdose Prevention & Narcan Training

Please join Tapestry and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region for this online overdose prevention training. Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do you recognize and respond to an opioid overdose? -How do you administer Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose? […]

Public Safety & Justice Committee Meeting

Please join us for our Public Safety & Justice Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our monthly Harm Reduction Workgroup meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Treatment & Recovery Committee Meeting

Please join us for our monthly Treatment & Recovery Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

CAM Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Complementary & Alternative Medicines (CAM) Workgroup meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Methadone Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our monthly meeting of the Methadone Workgroup. For more information on how to participate, please contact Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.

Housing & Workforce Development Committee Meeting

Please join us for our Housing & Workforce Development Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact  Cathi Emery, Office and Data Manager at cathi@opioidtaskforce.org.