Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting
Please join us for our Harm Reduction Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Treatment & Recovery Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Nicole St. Hilaire, Outreach […]
Together, we can tackle the serious problem of heroin and prescription drug addiction in Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region of Massachusetts.
Please join us for our Harm Reduction Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Treatment & Recovery Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Nicole St. Hilaire, Outreach […]
Please join us as we welcome national experts Caty Simon (National Survivors Union), Jordan Scott (Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network), and Dr. Noa Krawczyk (Grossman School of Medicine/New York University) from the National Coalition to Liberate Methadone as they […]
Please join us for our Treatment & Recovery Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator/OTF at debmc@opioidtaskforce.org.
Please join our monthly meeting to discuss the emergency needs of unhoused individuals in the Franklin County and North Quabbin Region. To learn more about how to participate, please contact […]
Please join us for the Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Workgroup meeting, co-facilitated by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office and the Opioid Task Force. For more information on how to join, […]
Please join us for our Education & Prevention Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Karen Carmona, Program Associate at karen@opioidtaskforce.org.
Please join us for our Complementary & Alternative Medicines (CAM) Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Karen Carmona, […]
Join us to learn how to save a life at an upcoming virtual Overdose Prevention and Narcan training facilitated by Tapestry on Thursday, December 12, 2024, from 1 PM to 2 PM. You […]
Please join us for our Methadone Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator/OTF at debmc@opioidtaskforce.org.
Please join us for our Housing & Workforce Development Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Kristen Pease, Program Associate and Project Manager/ARISE Initiative at kristen@opioidtaskforce.org.