Upcoming Events

Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for the Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking Workgroup meeting, co-facilitated by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office and the Opioid Task Force. For more information on how to join, […]

CAM Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Complementary & Alternative Medicines (CAM) Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Karen Carmona, […]

Overdose Prevention & Narcan Training

Don't let the summer go by without learning how to save a life at an upcoming virtual Overdose Prevention and Narcan training facilitated by Tapestry. This is a reminder that this training […]

Methadone Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Methadone Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF’s Healthcare Solutions Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator/OTF at [email protected]. Please […]

Healthcare Solutions Committee Meeting

Please join us for our Healthcare Solutions Committee meeting. For more information on how to participate, please contact Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator/OTF at [email protected]. Note: This meeting was rescheduled from September […]

Narcan as First Aid: Accessing Narcan in Public Spaces

To commemorate National Recovery Month, the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region, in collaboration with Tapestry, the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, the North Quabbin […]

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for our Harm Reduction Workgroup meeting, a project of OTF's Treatment & Recovery Committee. For more information on how to participate, please contact Tiarra Fisher, Operations Coordinator/CONNECT […]