Upcoming Events

Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Workgroup

Please join us, via Zoom, as we work to address the complex issue of human trafficking and sexual exploitation in our rural region. This workgroup is co-facilitated by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region. If you are interested in participating in this workgroup, […]

PEER Ambassadors: Parents Leading the Way to Prevent Youth Drug and Alcohol Use

Join Keyedrya Jacobs, Community Engagement & Program Associate at the Partnership for Youth, Krystal Duval, PEER Ambassador, Valuing Our Children, and Kat Allen, Coalition Coordinator for Communities That Care/Partnership for Youth as they discuss the PEER Ambassador Program. PEER Ambassadors center the voices of parents to harness their power to help prevent youth substance misuse […]