Upcoming Events

Virtual: Narcan Training

Virtual Meeting

Please join us at an upcoming community overdose prevention training to learn how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. Participants will also learn how to administer Narcan, a lifesaving opioid overdose reversal drug. Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do you recognize and respond to […]

Parent Engagement during COVID-19

Please join OTF on Thursday, October 15, 2 PM - 3 PM, as our COVID-19 Series continues where we will be learning more about Parent Engagement during COVID-19 featuring information about the newly created PEER Ambassador Program being coordinated by Keyedrya Jacobs, Community Engagement, and Programs Associate for the Communities That Care Coalition. The PEER Ambassador Program was developed by the […]

VIRTUAL: Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation Workgroup Meeting

Please join us for the October meeting of the Human Trafficking & Sexual Exploitation Workgroup to be scheduled for Monday, October 19, 1 PM - 2:30 PM. Want to join? Please email Dottie Arnold at [email protected]. This group is co-facilitated by the  Franklin County Sheriff's Office and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and […]

Housing & Workforce Development Committee Meeting

MA, United States

Join OTF's Housing & Workforce Development Committee members this Friday, October 23, 10 AM - 12 Noon, via Zoom, for a crucial conversation about housing and homelessness issues, especially for individuals in recovery and/or with a history of incarceration. This concern has become direr now that the COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium was lifted on October 17. Please register […]

Youth Voices during COVID-19

Please join OTF on Thursday, October 29, 2 PM - 3 PM, as our COVID-19 Series continues where we will be learning more about Youth Voices during COVID-19 featuring youth and young adults from the Hilltown Recovery Theatre. The Hilltown Recovery Theatre is a strength-based, holistic model creating change for area youth through theatre and […]

VIRTUAL: Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Workgroup

Join members of the Franklin County and North Quabbin Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation Workgroup as we work to address the needs of vulnerable populations. Want to join? Email [email protected] for the Zoom call details! Jointly facilitated by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin […]

Virtual: Narcan Training

Virtual Meeting

Please join us at an upcoming community overdose prevention training to learn how to recognize and respond to an opioid overdose. Participants will also learn how to administer Narcan, a lifesaving opioid overdose reversal drug. Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do you recognize and respond to […]