Upcoming Events

Harm Reduction Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.

Reinventing Justice: A Look at the New Office of Community Corrections

Join us as we learn more about the newly opened Office of Community Corrections, located at 106 Main Street in Greenfield, Massachusetts, managed by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office. You can register for this free event, here, to learn more. This effort will offer a range of programs and resources for formerly incarcerated individuals in a […]

Methadone Workgroup Meeting

This meeting is open to the public. Please email info@opioidtaskforce.org for the details on how to participate.

Saving Lives: Boston’s Community Syringe Redemption Program

Join us as we learn more about Boston's Community Syringe Redemption Program, developed by the Addiction Response Resources (ARR), featuring Allie Hunter, Co-Founder of ARR. This effort "reduces the amount of unsafely discarded needles by offering a cash incentive for enrolled adults to return syringes." You can register for this event here: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZwucu6vqT0jGdK6sTaZl4P1vPCQo... The program was […]

Franklin County/North Quabbin HEALing Communities Study Committee Meeting

As a member of the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region (Opioid Task Force), you were invited earlier this year to attend the January 28th Franklin County and North Quabbin HEALing Communities Study Kickoff to learn more about the HEALing Communities Study (HCS), which is a national research study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Institute on […]

Overdose Prevention and Narcan Training

Please join Tapestry and the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region for this online overdose prevention training. Participants will learn the answers to these questions: -What is an opioid overdose? -How do you recognize and respond to an opioid overdose? -How do you administer Narcan to reverse an opioid overdose? […]